1 Cor 13:12-13
12 For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [by God]
13 And so faith, hope, love abide [faith-conviction and belief respecting man's relation to God and divine things; hope-joyful and confindent expectation of eternal salvation; love-true affection for God and man, growing out of God's love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love.
The greatest gift of all is love for God is Love(capitalized because it is the Love that is undefiled and still in it's purest form). The love that places others, before ourselves in all situations and circumstances. Not because we want something in return, but because we want to share what God has given us with others. To share such a gift as His Son who lowered Himself for every one of us. The Word that became flesh who willingly walked to a wooden cross to nail all of our sins for all time to it and gave His life to give Life. He placed each one of us, before Himself while we were still sinners to undo what the first Adam had done for all to inherit. Such a Love as to give His only begotten Son, so we may be reconciled to God the Father once again. So that each of us may be given the power to be called children of the Living God once again. To look above and know we have a Loving, nurturing Father who is in Heaven. A Love that we can not begin to understand, but to feel such Light that He places within to share with all the world.
For we stive as believers to become as Christ, to grow into all He wants us to be, to do His will, to live as Godly people who are chosen and seperated from among the world of darkness. If we then know that God is Love and we want to be as Him in character, how can we not love with all our heart all who God created in His image. Not for our own wants or desires for that is what caused us to fall from perfection, but for everyone else that maybe a little of God may be seen in our eyes. We must always remember that God Loved us first and this is where everything begins, with God. As we lay down and move ourselves out of the way we begin to become all that man was created to be. What wonders shine through when love is the reason.
There will still come pain, there will still be those who will hate you, there will still come times when you will recieve nothing back from the recipient, there will still come doubt from others as to why, there will still be those who will walk away, and there will still be those times late at night when you find yourself sitting all alone with your eyes filled with tears for others and yourself. But what can you do, but get back up one more time. What can you do, but open your heart even though it may be stepped on. What can you do, but know there is a Father in Heaven who Loves you more than words could ever describe. You can do nothing, but to share what have been placed within you from far above with every human being.
So, you lay down instead of standing, you whisper instead of yelling, you stay silent instead of speaking, you share honesty instead of deceipt, you plead instead of pushing, you embrace instead of turning away, you forgive instead of resent, you open instead of close, and you give all that you are able instead of taking from any other. I wake each day to be such a person, but I know I fall very short. I know I am fallen, yet these eyes can see that place far above from where each of us once stood, before our brokeness. The Holy Spirit that has been placed within gives these glimpses of Glory where we shall stand some day through Jesus Christ with the Love, which still holds complete purity in every way. Until then I pray for love to be placed in this heart, so that it may be given to all who I am able to touch. It may not be perfect love, but it will be all that God enables me to share in this place. I will ever keep grasping at greater love, at growing a little more each day, at holding to hope patiently, at giving Grace as I have been given, at doing all that is Gods will, and at never losing the awe of what is to come with the beginning of each new day.
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