We must be careful how we see these days. We look to see those who wear such garments to be known as holy, yet we do not know whether they are holy friends. We see all the buildings called churches, but we do not know whether the true Church resides there. We see such an outpouring of gifts, yet we cannot see true intentions. We see religion all around us, but we cannot see Spirit. We are warned of having an appearance of holiness, but actually being dead. Do we not know that we are to worship in Spirit and Truth; religion has nothing to do with it. We learn religion from man, but we are taught Truth by the Spirit. Can you see the people who kneel down with their foreheads touching the earth 3 times a day only to be filled with hate towards others and having no respect for human life. Can you see those who keep every significant day in the Holy Bible sacred, except they would not receive God Himself. Can we see how peaceful those who seek enlightenment seem to be, but when asked how it is they are saved and they will tell you it is all an illusion. Those of the party of peace would tell you that Truth does not exist, we are all to hold to nothing and in so doing we have peace. There is no peace without the Truth of being reconciled to God through the blood of the Lamb brothers and sisters. Others would tell you it is the same God, which is worshipped. Do we worship a moon God chosen from 365 in total? Do we worship the same God who died for our sins upon the cross or who was somehow miraculously switched at the cross denying the very Truth, which our Lord Jesus Christ Himself has shown us by His Spirit? There is a cancer called spirituality spreading across our Country (U.S.) these last days. Spirituality is the exalting of an experience without caring where that experience has come from. For we know that even Satan can appear as an angel of Light, but we must test the spirits with Truth friends. Can we see the darkness covering the land of ignorance and false teaching of every doctrine that leads away from the One true God whose begotten Son is Jesus Christ who has sealed those who know Him with the power of the Spirit of God?
Oh how we need to pray for all to see clearly these dark days. We need not be taken unaware as many who know not the Truth when Jesus comes as a thief in the night. When will people come to understand who their Master is, who Created them, and who will Save them, if only they will give Him their heart. Take care and don’t keep stepping over the Truth.
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