Thursday, February 22, 2007


Oh...and what is Faith you ask beloved. Let me do the best I can with our Lords help from above.
It is when you awaken in the morning and there comes no sight. When your eyes are wide open, but they do not sense any Light. It is when you take the time to listen intently, but there comes not a single sound. It is when the voice, which softly speaks to you has gone silent. It is when all that can be felt is darkness and sorrow. It is when at every turn, as though anything was left, something else is taken away from you. It is when the musical melody has slowly stumbled into stillness and there is only emptiness left. It is when there comes no answer, when there comes no understanding, and there comes no helping hand to be held.
But even in all of this you know that things don't need to make sense and you know that you were never in control. You understand that there are times when there will be no understanding, no sight, no sound, yet none of it matters. This is because through it all you know that God is right there with you through every single step, whether known or not. Whether it is without the sights and sounds or without the music or know Gods Truth still stands strong. Even though there is only darkness you know the Light will reappear and even though there is emptiness you know the fullness of Christ will be given just when it is needed. You know that even though your entire world may fall flat on top of your head it is not the world that lasts. You have been given the knowledge that God is in complete control and you trust in Him. That is Faith my friends.
It is when you are the least important because God is the most important. It is when the pain is alright, if it be the will of God. It is when everyone else has walked away from you, yet your eyes stay fixed far above. It is when you come to realize that God has put you here for a part to play and it is not up to us to choose what that part may be. It is when the raindrops fall from heaven and you give thanks for the rainbow. It is all these things and more than just words, which can be seen, but it is something that is shown as we continue to walk through it all.

Friday, February 09, 2007

God Knows Best

How many times have we sat in front of a mirror looking into our own eyes wondering what it is that we are looking at. No matter what I have done or where I have been, when I sit in front of the mirror I never see very much of anything. I believe it is because however hard we try, however hard we push ourselves to understand ourselves one Truth stands firm. Our eyes can never give us insight, the sights that are seen cannot show us what we are searching for. Only that part of us that dwells within us is able to show us who we are. Only God Himself can enlighten each human being within to lovingly whisper our frailties and faults to us, which need to be fixed and only He can do the fixing. Most of all we must understand that whether we think we can do something or not, if God sets whatever it is into motion He knows best. God knows all that each of us can become because He sees the fullness that is within us without all the fears and excuses that cause us to never even begin. We must always remember that God always knows best.
There are those who have never stood in front of an audience of people with hundreds of eyes that are all focused upon every word that falls from their lips. Yet, the voice within them tells them to stand up and speak, so they must. Whether paralyzed by fear or not all that is needed is to stand and let your words flow from within and they will do wonderful things, because God knows best. There are those who would rather stand in the shadows as others take all the credit for everything, while they give support and labor. Yet, a time will come when they are thrust into the foreground to stand where they do not feel they have ever belonged. Whether they think someone else should be them or that people have confused you for someone else you must slide your chair back and rise up. There are such moments when a person who is filled with tears is placed in your lap who you know you must heal. And you think who am I to help anyone, what am I to do, or what am I to say? Know that the person who sits in front of you who is wounded has been put there on purpose and it is you God has chosen to be there. Because one thing I know is....God knows best.
Through all our faults, through all our failures and faltering, and through all our weaknesses and brokeness God will use them for victory my friends. God has watched you every second of your life, He has seen you through all those hard times and He has allowed it all so that it may all be used for everyone else. In our worse moments in life is when we are taught the greatest lessons and it is through these experiences that God will allow us to touch others later in our Walk. It is when we listen to Him despite what we think we are capable of that we move through our fears and into the fullness of Christ. It is in listening to what God tells us and in being obedient that allows His Spirit to fill us to overflowing. And it is in this overflowing that others are most able to know God through each of us beloved. Because even though I may not know very much about a very many thing I do know one thing and that is.....God knows best!

Lev Tahor Beralee Elohim
Love to you all,