Saturday, September 25, 2010

Beware What Is Seen

We must be careful how we see these days.  We look to see those who wear such garments to be known as holy, yet we do not know whether they are holy friends.  We see all the buildings called churches, but we do not know whether the true Church resides there.  We see such an outpouring of gifts, yet we cannot see true intentions.  We see religion all around us, but we cannot see Spirit.  We are warned of having an appearance of holiness, but actually being dead.  Do we not know that we are to worship in Spirit and Truth; religion has nothing to do with it.  We learn religion from man, but we are taught Truth by the Spirit.  Can you see the people who kneel down with their foreheads touching the earth 3 times a day only to be filled with hate towards others and having no respect for human life.  Can you see those who keep every significant day in the Holy Bible sacred, except they would not receive God Himself.  Can we see how peaceful those who seek enlightenment seem to be, but when asked how it is they are saved and they will tell you it is all an illusion.  Those of the party of peace would tell you that Truth does not exist, we are all to hold to nothing and in so doing we have peace.  There is no peace without the Truth of being reconciled to God through the blood of the Lamb brothers and sisters.  Others would tell you it is the same God, which is worshipped.  Do we worship a moon God chosen from 365 in total?  Do we worship the same God who died for our sins upon the cross or who was somehow miraculously switched at the cross denying the very Truth, which our Lord Jesus Christ Himself has shown us by His Spirit?  There is a cancer called spirituality spreading across our Country (U.S.) these last days.  Spirituality is the exalting of an experience without caring where that experience has come from.  For we know that even Satan can appear as an angel of Light, but we must test the spirits with Truth friends.  Can we see the darkness covering the land of ignorance and false teaching of every doctrine that leads away from the One true God whose begotten Son is Jesus Christ who has sealed those who know Him with the power of the Spirit of God?

Oh how we need to pray for all to see clearly these dark days.  We need not be taken unaware as many who know not the Truth when Jesus comes as a thief in the night.  When will people come to understand who their Master is, who Created them, and who will Save them, if only they will give Him their heart.  Take care and don’t keep stepping over the Truth. 

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Get up! Get up!

I know there is a need for me to write much more consistently friends. We begin our true Life with a tremendous flash of Light filling what is only darkness within us at the moment of heavenly conception, but what now....? What has come of the fire within us that once raged with such an uncontrollable heat that it could not be contained? What has happened from daily awakening in such a manner that we felt the very hand of our Father in heaven grasping our own? Are we less now because these things seem to have faded with time? Are we unable to now take our place without one experience after the next? No! No! Get up! Keep moving and let us now be at the work that is only to be done by those who have known such sanctification as we have known. Let us now find each other in the field, while we ourselves are busy casting out seeds. If we have not come to understand just yet, we are in a secret club in the midst of this present world. Remember your travels, remember a look cast across a room when you and another member felt an invisible embrace. It is an embrace that comes from those who contain God's Spirit within and it is more real that any hand shake. It is more than a secret club, but only those who are a part of it understand. It is a Family really, a brotherhood or sisterhood. This is the Church friends! We have passed through fire to join and are accepted only because our Creator reached down into His Creation to make it possible.
Now, as for our journey brothers and sisters. We 'are' so much more than we were, but now it is time to be at the work our Lord has prepared for us to do. We have passed from death to Life and who cannot feel the difference when that fire is first lit, but it still does burn brightly friends. Now is the time to allow the changes that God has performed upon us to begin to infect others with His help. It is work, but it is Joy. Now is the time for the fruits of the Spirit to begin to grow, so that we may be able to do all that only children of God can. We may not know who, we may not see the results, but just the same we are to walk in a manner worthy of our Calling friends. It gets hard once we have been separated from the world and then look around with our newly created eyes without frustration in the beginning, but then all we have to do is look in the mirror and there is an abundance of frustration staring back at us for what we are too. Get up! Get up! That is what keeps ringing in these ears friends. We know that we are in need of long-suffering and patient endurance to accomplish the will of God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Just thought I'd write some thoughts down that were at the forefront of this mind for everyone. God bless you all and God be with you.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Discipline in Church

We seem to be lacking in Church discipline these days. It is a difficult thing to have discipline when so many in our Church equate love with acceptance of wrong. It is difficult to have discipline when everyone is so worried about upsetting others or being politically incorrect. Our Churches today are caving in to the culture outside their walls, instead of being separated from it as we have been taught by our true Teacher. So many of our congregations are focused on learning about their denominations founders that they have lost focus of their Master and have lost their first love. Lastly, how can there be any discipline without direction and how can direction come when there is no unity among believers? We are taught to be of one mind and of one heart. Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ suffers when there is no one who will stand up for what He has taught us. What He has taught us is this, that we are saved only because of Jesus Christ. Our works then show what Faith has done and we move in a different way. When did God's house become a place of unabated selfishness where the spiritual leaders (Pastors) are more concerned about their income than speaking Truth? How can those who are blind lead those who are graciously able to see? Those who rule the world have now come to rule our Churches and those who have received God's grace are forced to seek each other outside the man-made altars and stained glass windows of these buildings. Let us know that we as believers are much more than any building and that our true altar is in heaven far above friends. Let us love one another by speaking Truth in love united in one Spirit of one mind. We know that Proverbs states, "Rebuke one who scorns you and they will hate you for it. Rebuke a wise man and he will love you for it." We are to grow more mature together as one body of believers not come together to tear each other a part. We come together seeking instruction and to be sanctified in Truth knowing God's Word is Truth. We are to be more together than we are alone not less and to pour ourselves out as an offering to those who will listen. To those who are children of disobedience who choose their own way our instruction is clear...we are to have nothing to do with them who choose to rebel against authority/Authority. Grace and Peace to you all from God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, March 01, 2010

I Have Known

I have known such joyous days when the sun shined brightly upon every face
I have known such sadness when only darkness covered every vision
I have seen such dark days rise up from the depths of the abyss to rest upon thee
I have seen such Light whose gaze I could not hold reach down to touch this void within thee
I have traveled down into the deepest Pit
I have touched the heights of the Most High
I have seen such wasted days full of emptiness and deceit
I have seen such purposeful days full of wholeness and Truth
I have known my own way and how I now know the Way
I have known what is seen and how I now know the unseen

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Trust in God

Proverbs 3:5-6

We find it much easier to trust when we are young. This trust begins to fade away when we grow in our understanding of all that we see around us. We begin to trust more in ourselves and not in God simply because we are able to explain many of the mysteries that surround us. We must relearn through time that just because our Lord gives us a measure of strength to do the work set before us that we are still not in control. So, we attain understanding of all that we see around us, which is to say that we understand nothing. For we know that all we see is perishing, but all that we cannot see is eternal. As we grasp the more at all we can see we are actually separating ourselves from Truth. All we see has come from what we cannot see and all that we see is to be used for the purpose of what we cannot see. Only God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit can sustain us in this life and the next. When we submit to this Truth without our pride of life it is then and only then when we can begin to answer many questions. How much control did we ever have? Who can we trust to watch over us, if we are not in control? Who is in control?

When we answer these questions then we are able to let go and to let God. We are able to let Him show us where we really stand, which is under Judgement. We are able to let Him into our hearts, which is the new birth from above. We are able to let Him show us the way, which is His Son upon the Cross and we are able to let Him take all that is His, which is everything. We are then able to see that we are Steward’s here and that even this place does not belong to us. We learn through experience that our Father in heaven is in complete control and that He is intimately involved in every single one of His children’s lives. We come to see that Life is what God has given to us not what our parents have done. So, we move from trust to trust; we move from faith to faith. We start with Faith, we journey with faith, and our lives will end with faith that brings the Hope in which we live. It is a trust that grows with every passing day as we look back and see how our Father in heaven has worked everything in our life into His purpose. It is this trust that allows a peace that will never let go. It is this trust in our Creator through it all, from the beginning to the end, that keeps us calm in the storms of life and it is this trust that allows us to fully experience the love of God.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Be Back

Just so everyone knows, the writing will continue.  I will be back with words of God in days to come.  Peace and Love from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.