Here sits such wonders that sound from human lips of such glory given by the Spirit. which abides within. To give utterances of thoughts and ideas that can never be attained, while we walk this earth. Yet, there cannot come silence of such words as Repentance, Redemption, Forgiveness, Justification, Salvation, Grace, Love, Faith, Hope, and many more.
For it is this mountain that we climb whose summit we know we can never reach, until the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. But, to climb as far as we are able, always focused upward to what lies far ahead. To be given such joy that we are given the chance to move, if ever so slightly upward and onward when once we simply lingered at its base not even knowing it was there. How hard it seems at times when sadness falls upon this body as the morning mist, which quietly lies across the land without any warning to take away what once was clearly seen. It is then that we are truly led. It is then when we can look over and see a brother/sister staring back to lend a helping hand. It is in such times of absolute helplessness when we are able to see that we are not forsaken for our Father in heaven through our High Priest who is Jesus Christ imparts such blessings upon His children indwelt by His Spirit.
We still fall, yet are always caught. We still fail, yet are never left. We still hurt, yet are healed with time. We still are flesh, yet are spirit. We are imperfect, but through Christ we have been given perfection. So, we stand back up each time, brush of the dust from our knees and fight the good fight. Never to seek after any who have hurt, never to repay violence with violence, never to fuel anger with more anger, never to want all that the world tells us to strive for, never to point fingers or look down. But, to forgive just as we have been forgiven, to repay violence with stillness, to battle hate with the power of love that has been given to each of us from the One who loved us, while we were still in sin. And to always look up with compassion, mercy, and humility for we have all been given such things through Christ. Have every one of us not failed? So, who is to say well I didn't fail as bad as him/her. Failure is failure, yet what Grace is given to every beloved child.
And I keep on climbing, while yelling down to everyone who has yet to see this mountain to be mounted. I know that there will come the time when rest is given. I know that unknown friends faces will be shown from across the way giving comfort and encouragement. That I also will be there to do the same for all I am able to. I will show some the way I have traveled and many will show me the way they have traveled, but each must take their own path. One thing I do know is that we are aiming for the same destination and that is all that matters. To try with all our hearts, and all our minds, and all our souls to stay focused above. It's when we look back that our footing gives and much that was gained is lost, but to never worry about not being caught in our Fathers everlasting arms.
Well, that is the end of this thought. May the peace that is given through Christ be yours to hold in complete Trust of our Father above and the Spirit within each of you.