Saturday, July 30, 2005

"Sometimes We Must Push Over a Table or Two"

John 2:14-16
14 There He(Jesus) found in the temple [enclosure] those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting there [also at their stands].
15 And having made a lash (a whip) of cords, He drove them all out of the temple [enclosure]--both the sheep and the oxen--spilling and scattering the brokers' money and upsetting and tossing around trays (their stands)
16 Then to those who sold the doves He said, Take these things away (out of here)! Make not My Fathers' house a house of merchandise (a marketplace, a sales shop)!

How a day has passed into tomorrow. What was now is gone forever vanishing into the distant darkness of fading memories and actions that cannot be undone. Here is where this body sits grasping at what ifs and maybes when there is nothing that will come into being, until free will is used to choose the only Way, which will bring Truth. All this temporary structure can do is embrace the present, learn from the past, and have such Trust in what the future will bring for the good of every living being who crosses this disciple. The time will come when all that is weakness within you is call upon so that you may become. You can obey and move through fear knowing Him who watches over you is watching. The serene pool seen as transparent glass without a single ripple is given motion. From many small vibrations creating what begins as the most minute movement, which will travel on gaining more power with every inch that is traveled. Such times must come when what once was a glassy sea becomes a menacing monster. When it is time to enter the Tabernacle and push over a table or two, if we are to hold to reality and fail to embrace others illusions. These times are my weakest moments for I am not a bold man. I am as so many others who allow themselves to be pushed rather than to raise up against an approaching attack. I know when His Light is shed their power is lost and there is the coming of a silent tsumani. Yet, how careful one has to be when such Light is unwanted in peoples lives who choose to cover over all the windows to contain the cold. You are then pulling a rug from under a friends feet and how do you think they will react?
A few days ago such a situation occured in my life. As I stood in quietness and calmness inside there only came turmoil. Too many times have I stood in the same situation with passivity filled with meekness of Spirit. All around me these eyes watched the circling chaos, ill-treatment, hatred, anger, misplaced loyalty, and death of spirit. No more standing will I allow this body to lie entangled in an environment of evil surrounding me on all sides. This instance I chose to obey, to look the person in the face, and tell them I did not want to be there any longer. Some day I pray to speak honestly about why, but until a person is ready to tear down all that cover over anything that allows the Light to enter. Who am I to pull out the rug from under someones feet that I love, until I believe it will have a lasting effect. What happened still has had a lasting effect. It brought about anger and hatred since I left when there was still my job to be done the following day. Oh, but those were already there before I ever said a word, now there was somewhere else to direct it. I can control no one, except myself(and I'm not that good at that time). And I cannot watch those I love being treated with coldness and insincerety. I am only there when something is needed, so the time had come to no longer make myself available because with each person I choose to do for there is another who I am unable to help. With every Yes that is given someone else has to be given a No. Well, I must now give the No to those of whom I speak. It would have been much easier to just lie down, act like nothing was happening, and let it go one more day. I could not, one more day, one more day, until a habit is created and every day is just one more day.
I always believe that every situation could have different results, if at any point any one person chooses not to rage in anger, to stay calm during the storm, to question why things are happening in such a way, to treat eachother with loving-kindness instead of resentment, or to put yourself in the other persons shoes. No matter how gently you try to be or how much you love another there will come those moments when someone will hurt. There will arise pain that cannot be eased when you follow your heart. Pain that is held on to by so many since it is all they are able to feel. Weariness takes hold of me in seasons as these, whether what has been done was right or wrong. I know from one look into a persons eyes when their heart has fallen to the ground and my heart falls with it no matter the case. A gift of deep sadness has been given to thee that there is no person who stands near to this flesh that I do not embrace each emotion emulating from within them. If a person is justly thrown into jail who is afraid and weeping inside, I have no choice, but to have sorrow and weep with them.
May our God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ fill this spirit with the Holy Spirit that these step may be placed exactly where they belong. How God surely knows I do not wish harm or hurt on any human being. I release everyone who ever was and ever will be who shall harm me for I love them(the potential of each, that each is Gods to judge, to share Gods love). I would lay down without a problem, but I am learning also when God says "STAND UP". Stand up for who you are(a Christian), stand up for what is right, stand up for those who need you, stand up for all who are weak, and stand up for the reason we live, which is the Hope that is only given through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

"Under God"

Something has been ringing through these ears time and time again. There are words, there are stories on the news, there are actions that are taken, which have been allowed to slowly take away all this place called America was built upon. We are becoming a part of the world instead of staying seperate from it in terms of the Bible. The world does not acknowledge Christ as the Son of God, but those who have been seperated from it do. The world follows after appeasement even when it means turning a blind eye, but those who have overcome this world can never turn from what they know is Truth. The world selfishly gathers all that will soon pass away believing they have the life, but those who have been chosen bestow to all every blessing bestowed upon them. For the sheep store their treasures in heaven where eternal glory awaits of Life everlasting.
Do not offend in any way all who live in the land of the free. I myself pray to live in peace and harmony with all mankind for all the time I am given, but can I say I am not when I AM?. Can I speak what my heart knows to be false in the name of harmony?. Can I lay down all that has been given to me from my true Father in heaven, so that I do not offend?. Do I have any rights of my own or do I just sit here as all of them are slowly taken away?. If you do not believe must I bow to you because you may be offended by what I know to be True?! I cannot in any way, as gentle a person as I ever hope to be, not be who God has made me. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of Israel. The God who is the Father, who is the Son, and who is the Holy Spirit. Who was scorged, which is a word that never hit home, until I watched a movie called, "Passion of the Christ". Who hung on a cross for me because He wanted me to come Home. Who took away the Sins of the world, so that you and I may approach the inner most Holy of Holies. I would gladly give this life, this body, this flesh, and every part therein for how many have already done the same not so very long ago.
One Nation, Under God is how this Country called America was formed, it is the reason every circumstance in every situation seemed to bend just the way it needed to for us. Such blessings these eyes have seen descending upon this place. What protection we have been given from above in more ways than anyone could begin to name and we can't honor Him who has done such things. There is a movie that comes to mind, which said something very true. A woman said, " I don't believe in the Devil" and the man said, " You should, He believes in you". Whether a person chooses to believe does not change what exists. It only changes their final destination, if at some point in time, before the flesh fades away they do not wake up to the Truth, which is the Good News. "SALVATION THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST". As for me I do not know what is around the next corner, but it hurts very much with what these eyes are seeing. It hurts to see the most wonderous gift placed at a persons feet only to see them spit on it. I am speechless at this point, I hope this didn't have a hurtful or hateful tone, letters come, words come forth, and this is what has been given.
May Peace make its place within your heart and Truth show the Way.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Mystery of God

Rev.1:1-3, Amplified Bible
--[This Is] the revelation of Jesus Christ [His unveiling of the divine mysteries]. God gave it to Him to disclose and make known to His bond servants certain things which must shortly and speedily come to pass in their entirety. And He sent and communticated it through His angel (messenger) to His bond servant John,
2--Who has testified to and vouched for all that he saw [in his visions], the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
3--Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who reads aloud [in the assemblies] the word of this prophecy; and blessed (happy, to be envied) are those who hear [it read] and who keep themselves true to the things which are written in it [heeding them and laying them to heart], for the time [for them to be fulfilled] is near.

I sit here listening to Enya, which gives such clarity for me. Just hearing certain tones placed together in a given way brings about such peace within. Such wonderous words that are written that bring about confusion to so many. The whole Book of Revelations brings one question after the next. The more one tries to disect each verse, each literal phrase in contrast to those that are symbolic, along with the many arguments of what has already passed, what is in the present, and what is yet to come. I leave all the debating to those who choose to become tangled in a web from which they cannot escape. I leave such things to those who choose to set Christ aside for a time, so that they may speak in the tongues of men in order to boldster and boast.
I bow this head to each of you who read as these words flow onward knowing that every one of you also has something to teach me, something to show me, or even something to correct. Who of you have heard a sermon on Revelations in Church on any given Sunday or Saturday, if that is when you gather as one. There is not much spoken of this Book in which these ears have heard. I believe the sheperds given to lead many congregations feel they must have complete understanding of every single letter and word to show the way. To me that is not true, but to grasp the theme as a whole.
I believe the whole purpose of such an unveiling is to place His chosen on guard at all times for our Lord may come at any time as a thief in the night, It could be 1000 years from now, but it could be tonight or at the first breaking of dawns dazzling light. No one knows, but the Father Himself. Are you willing to throw it all to the wasteside with the thought that you will always be given a tomorrow. Are you willing to cling to what you know is disobedience, without asking forgiveness from the heart, because there is always another day? It is a calling to be the best person you are able to at every moment you are given. It is an extended hand being held out for you and me to grab hold of ever so tightly knowing we can do nothing of ourselves. It is Jesus Christ speaking to the 7 lampstands(Church Ages), which are watched over by the 7 stars(messengers).
These are what is important for each believer to focus upon. The things that our Lord has against each Church and to do our best not to have any of them make a permanent tabernacle within. Yes, we will fail and repent and fail and fall and feel such anguish for all that we have done wrong. This is a part of the patience that we all must hold to. Oh! When eyes open how hearts begin to break having to endure our weaknesses, the pain that is suddenly felt from the earth itself, the hatred you are now able to recognize within others unable to take it from them to place peace within for they choose not to look upon the beauty of His face just yet.
Here is the complete clarification of the Book of Revelations to me. Repent of all that is against Gods will in thought, action, purpose, or deed for the day is coming when Jesus Christ will come in the clouds for every eye to see and every single knee shall bow. This I know; God wins, Satan loses. I plead with every human being, every brother, every sister, every beloved piece of life that shall ever walk this earth. Come on over to the winning team. Cross over from death, so that you may overcome the world and be given LIfe. Praise God our Father who is in heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever who lives in the eterity of eternities. Without Him we are lost. We are simply moving from futility to futility never knowing our weakness, never awakening to our ignorance, never conceeding that we have absolutely no control, and never knowing how blind we have been .

May Gods Grace and Blessing be upon each of you,

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

1:John 5:6-10
Amplified Bible
--6 This is He Who came by (with) water and blood [His baptism and His death], Jesus Christ (the Messiah)--not by (in) the water only, but by (in) the water and the blood. And it is the [Holy] Spirit Who bears witness, because the [Holy] Spirit is the Truth.
--7 So there are three witnesses in heaven; the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are One;
--8 and there are three witnesses on the earth; the Spirit, the water, and the blood: and these three agree [are in unison, their testimony coincides].
--9 If we accept [as we do] the testimony of men [if we are willing to accept human authority], the testimony of God is greater (of stronger authority), for this is the testimony of God, even the witness which He has borne regarding His Son.
--10 He who believes in the Son of God [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] has the testimony [possesses this divine attestation] within himself. He who does not believe God [in this way] has made Him out to be and represented Him as a liar, because he has not believed (put his faith in, adhered to, and relied on) the evidence (the testimony) that God has borne regarding His Son.

As I sat on the couch speaking with my nephew and neice there could only come words that were released from what God placed within me. A conversation with children who, the more I think about it, I know are much closer to Him than those of us who have grown up. All that the world teaches us are so very important, all that we are shown to be, and all we begin to hold that give us pride. So many things, especially in the U.S., that have polluted and clouded all that is true. All that is continuosly flashed before our faces with image after image, with word after word to keep a veil pulled over all of the world.
Yet, such Grace has decended from above to rest upon this once broken heart, which was then opened wide to much more than just here. A gift that is given to fill such emptiness with Gods very own Spirit, so sight can once again show brights and darks and highs and lows and rights and wrongs. Oh, how you wish to climb to the highest peak and yell of Life at the top of your lungs. Even now there are times when I sit to speak of such things and all that is seen sitting next to me is emptiness holding on to all that is futility. They push away, give a glazing glare of flame and fire, or move away never to take such a seat again. I know that each has there time to ignite into a brilliant body that has it's orbit in the heavens far above. I know with each person I pass that there is the potential to be so much more no matter what their present state of being. How I pray that all mankind will be and what sadness is felt for those who freely choose to embrace all that they know in their heart to be false.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

"Out of the Boat"

I have just started reading a book with the title, "If You Want To Walk On Water, You've Got To Get Out of the Boat" by John Ortberg. I believe this will also be one of my favorites, but I won't know that, until I have finished. It is an instruction on how to walk through this life faithfully and a very in depth study of the story about Peters experience of getting out of the boat to walk upon the water with Jesus.
It is not about being a thrill seeker or walking blindly through the world jumping into every situation that seems to put you in a situation that is more than you can bear, expecting God to bail you out. It is about stillness throughout the storm. It is about being able to use your gifts to their full potential. It is about being able to hear and discern the true voice of our Lord and your own selfish desires. To first ask for Him to command you and then in Trusting, while stepping out from your boat onto the wind swept waters.
To hear such a calling and to know it will be done no matter how impossible your human mind tells you it is. For I know and I tell you that there is not a single action or process that takes place in which God is not fully in control. There is no such thing as luck for, if luck had any Truth then we would also have to accept that nothing at all was ever MEANT to be. If even one process is simply a random act that relies on luck then there would be a variable of chaos, which would set into motion such an effect that nothing would be able to be hold even a single Law of Nature. Since there is no such thing as luck I tell you that God controls every circumstance. As eyes are opened you begin to see how God controls the flow of every life by causing doors to open and to shut.
That is what this book is about, so far. To see such doors that are opened knowing they have been opened by God and to faithfully step through them without allowing fear to control the decision to do so. To take the battles and trials knowing they have been given to make you stronger in the end. Not stronger in a physical sense, but in a spiritual sense, so when such adversity comes again you are able to focus into the eyes of God and walk upon the water with Love, Grace, Hope, Gentleness, Honesty, and Peacefulness. The days will pass, time will flow, and the moment will come when every moment will be looked back upon with a smile. For each choice, each decision, each step that you have taken has brought you closer to obtaining Christ-like character.
That is what this life is all about. To become as Christ through allowing the Holy Spirit within to lead and ourselves to follow. To truly be a Living Sacrifice by throwing all self aside and embracing all that is Godly, so His Light may shine through to all the world.

And I leave you with a quote from the book I'm reading, which I love,

" It's not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles,
or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who
is actually in the arena...who, at best, knows in the end the triumph of great achievement,
and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. So that his place will
never be with those cold timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Monday, July 11, 2005


I just finished viewing the Table of Contents of a book that is held sacred to many. A book that is a true Religion. A set of rules and laws that show how one can attain eternal salvation through morals and ethics. It bothered me very much and it also explained how Jesus was simply a man just as any other. How hurtful to take something that has been freely given for all mankind to be reconciled by God our Father and to turn away. To use our reasoning and earthly understanding to comprehend something that can never be known, until we first look above. Man is fallen, yet has been raised. No man has been able to follow the Law, yet we have atonement. For the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did for us what we could not. He came in the flesh to guide us to the cross, that we may also die to sin, which has been delivered to Satan once and for all time. It's power no longer holds sway over those who believe. Through Christ who is Jesus, who is our Lord, who is God and sits next to God as God also abides within us.
Yet, in this one thing so many will not accept. A gift given for all to recieve for none can come to the Father, except through Him and yet so many refuse to believe. No work of man brings salvation, no ritual, no form of Holy living, nothing from this place can give such a thing. For there is not one human being who has not fallen at least once throughout their entire life on earth. For now we see as through very mirky waters, but only at His coming will any be able to see clearly. John 3:16 is very clear. The Good News is simple. There is no need to complicate something that any can understand.
Now, when growth begins as we walk with Christ many symptoms begin to occur. The more we grow the more that is changed from within, yet it is a symptom of our walk, not what enables us to be given reconciliation or eternity. We become more as Christ, which is more godlike. Such as the growing conscience of right and wrong according to a heavenly perspective. Such as the Love, which grows within for all mankind, showing kindness, gentleness, respect, honesty, and Truth to all. The changes like speaking less, lowering our voice, losing foulness of language, praying more, a growing joy that comes from worship, and so many more. Yet, these are symptoms once again of what has already been done for you by God in the Holy triune.
The more His Spirit leads and the less of yourself that is allowed to get in the way, the more Light that shines forth, but none of this would have been possible without the cross. Not without pouring out His Spirit upon the earth and not without our Father in heaven who loves us more than we could ever understand. What Grace that is given, so mankind may be made into perfection and how else could any hope to approach the Living God.
Believe, Believe, lay your head down, open your heart, seek to find, and Believe, Believe

pretty huh? :), pic Posted by Picasa

hello to all, pic Posted by Picasa

yes He has, pic Posted by Picasa

hello there, hehe, pic Posted by Picasa

what a sight, pic Posted by Picasa

one body, pic Posted by Picasa

Glory, pic Posted by Picasa

Love, pic Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Here sits such wonders that sound from human lips of such glory given by the Spirit. which abides within. To give utterances of thoughts and ideas that can never be attained, while we walk this earth. Yet, there cannot come silence of such words as Repentance, Redemption, Forgiveness, Justification, Salvation, Grace, Love, Faith, Hope, and many more.
For it is this mountain that we climb whose summit we know we can never reach, until the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. But, to climb as far as we are able, always focused upward to what lies far ahead. To be given such joy that we are given the chance to move, if ever so slightly upward and onward when once we simply lingered at its base not even knowing it was there. How hard it seems at times when sadness falls upon this body as the morning mist, which quietly lies across the land without any warning to take away what once was clearly seen. It is then that we are truly led. It is then when we can look over and see a brother/sister staring back to lend a helping hand. It is in such times of absolute helplessness when we are able to see that we are not forsaken for our Father in heaven through our High Priest who is Jesus Christ imparts such blessings upon His children indwelt by His Spirit.
We still fall, yet are always caught. We still fail, yet are never left. We still hurt, yet are healed with time. We still are flesh, yet are spirit. We are imperfect, but through Christ we have been given perfection. So, we stand back up each time, brush of the dust from our knees and fight the good fight. Never to seek after any who have hurt, never to repay violence with violence, never to fuel anger with more anger, never to want all that the world tells us to strive for, never to point fingers or look down. But, to forgive just as we have been forgiven, to repay violence with stillness, to battle hate with the power of love that has been given to each of us from the One who loved us, while we were still in sin. And to always look up with compassion, mercy, and humility for we have all been given such things through Christ. Have every one of us not failed? So, who is to say well I didn't fail as bad as him/her. Failure is failure, yet what Grace is given to every beloved child.
And I keep on climbing, while yelling down to everyone who has yet to see this mountain to be mounted. I know that there will come the time when rest is given. I know that unknown friends faces will be shown from across the way giving comfort and encouragement. That I also will be there to do the same for all I am able to. I will show some the way I have traveled and many will show me the way they have traveled, but each must take their own path. One thing I do know is that we are aiming for the same destination and that is all that matters. To try with all our hearts, and all our minds, and all our souls to stay focused above. It's when we look back that our footing gives and much that was gained is lost, but to never worry about not being caught in our Fathers everlasting arms.
Well, that is the end of this thought. May the peace that is given through Christ be yours to hold in complete Trust of our Father above and the Spirit within each of you.