John 2:14-16
14 There He(Jesus) found in the temple [enclosure] those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting there [also at their stands].
15 And having made a lash (a whip) of cords, He drove them all out of the temple [enclosure]--both the sheep and the oxen--spilling and scattering the brokers' money and upsetting and tossing around trays (their stands)
16 Then to those who sold the doves He said, Take these things away (out of here)! Make not My Fathers' house a house of merchandise (a marketplace, a sales shop)!
How a day has passed into tomorrow. What was now is gone forever vanishing into the distant darkness of fading memories and actions that cannot be undone. Here is where this body sits grasping at what ifs and maybes when there is nothing that will come into being, until free will is used to choose the only Way, which will bring Truth. All this temporary structure can do is embrace the present, learn from the past, and have such Trust in what the future will bring for the good of every living being who crosses this disciple. The time will come when all that is weakness within you is call upon so that you may become. You can obey and move through fear knowing Him who watches over you is watching. The serene pool seen as transparent glass without a single ripple is given motion. From many small vibrations creating what begins as the most minute movement, which will travel on gaining more power with every inch that is traveled. Such times must come when what once was a glassy sea becomes a menacing monster. When it is time to enter the Tabernacle and push over a table or two, if we are to hold to reality and fail to embrace others illusions. These times are my weakest moments for I am not a bold man. I am as so many others who allow themselves to be pushed rather than to raise up against an approaching attack. I know when His Light is shed their power is lost and there is the coming of a silent tsumani. Yet, how careful one has to be when such Light is unwanted in peoples lives who choose to cover over all the windows to contain the cold. You are then pulling a rug from under a friends feet and how do you think they will react?
A few days ago such a situation occured in my life. As I stood in quietness and calmness inside there only came turmoil. Too many times have I stood in the same situation with passivity filled with meekness of Spirit. All around me these eyes watched the circling chaos, ill-treatment, hatred, anger, misplaced loyalty, and death of spirit. No more standing will I allow this body to lie entangled in an environment of evil surrounding me on all sides. This instance I chose to obey, to look the person in the face, and tell them I did not want to be there any longer. Some day I pray to speak honestly about why, but until a person is ready to tear down all that cover over anything that allows the Light to enter. Who am I to pull out the rug from under someones feet that I love, until I believe it will have a lasting effect. What happened still has had a lasting effect. It brought about anger and hatred since I left when there was still my job to be done the following day. Oh, but those were already there before I ever said a word, now there was somewhere else to direct it. I can control no one, except myself(and I'm not that good at that time). And I cannot watch those I love being treated with coldness and insincerety. I am only there when something is needed, so the time had come to no longer make myself available because with each person I choose to do for there is another who I am unable to help. With every Yes that is given someone else has to be given a No. Well, I must now give the No to those of whom I speak. It would have been much easier to just lie down, act like nothing was happening, and let it go one more day. I could not, one more day, one more day, until a habit is created and every day is just one more day.
I always believe that every situation could have different results, if at any point any one person chooses not to rage in anger, to stay calm during the storm, to question why things are happening in such a way, to treat eachother with loving-kindness instead of resentment, or to put yourself in the other persons shoes. No matter how gently you try to be or how much you love another there will come those moments when someone will hurt. There will arise pain that cannot be eased when you follow your heart. Pain that is held on to by so many since it is all they are able to feel. Weariness takes hold of me in seasons as these, whether what has been done was right or wrong. I know from one look into a persons eyes when their heart has fallen to the ground and my heart falls with it no matter the case. A gift of deep sadness has been given to thee that there is no person who stands near to this flesh that I do not embrace each emotion emulating from within them. If a person is justly thrown into jail who is afraid and weeping inside, I have no choice, but to have sorrow and weep with them.
May our God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ fill this spirit with the Holy Spirit that these step may be placed exactly where they belong. How God surely knows I do not wish harm or hurt on any human being. I release everyone who ever was and ever will be who shall harm me for I love them(the potential of each, that each is Gods to judge, to share Gods love). I would lay down without a problem, but I am learning also when God says "STAND UP". Stand up for who you are(a Christian), stand up for what is right, stand up for those who need you, stand up for all who are weak, and stand up for the reason we live, which is the Hope that is only given through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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