Rev.1:1-3, Amplified Bible
--[This Is] the revelation of Jesus Christ [His unveiling of the divine mysteries]. God gave it to Him to disclose and make known to His bond servants certain things which must shortly and speedily come to pass in their entirety. And He sent and communticated it through His angel (messenger) to His bond servant John,
2--Who has testified to and vouched for all that he saw [in his visions], the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
3--Blessed (happy, to be envied) is the man who reads aloud [in the assemblies] the word of this prophecy; and blessed (happy, to be envied) are those who hear [it read] and who keep themselves true to the things which are written in it [heeding them and laying them to heart], for the time [for them to be fulfilled] is near.
I sit here listening to Enya, which gives such clarity for me. Just hearing certain tones placed together in a given way brings about such peace within. Such wonderous words that are written that bring about confusion to so many. The whole Book of Revelations brings one question after the next. The more one tries to disect each verse, each literal phrase in contrast to those that are symbolic, along with the many arguments of what has already passed, what is in the present, and what is yet to come. I leave all the debating to those who choose to become tangled in a web from which they cannot escape. I leave such things to those who choose to set Christ aside for a time, so that they may speak in the tongues of men in order to boldster and boast.
I bow this head to each of you who read as these words flow onward knowing that every one of you also has something to teach me, something to show me, or even something to correct. Who of you have heard a sermon on Revelations in Church on any given Sunday or Saturday, if that is when you gather as one. There is not much spoken of this Book in which these ears have heard. I believe the sheperds given to lead many congregations feel they must have complete understanding of every single letter and word to show the way. To me that is not true, but to grasp the theme as a whole.
I believe the whole purpose of such an unveiling is to place His chosen on guard at all times for our Lord may come at any time as a thief in the night, It could be 1000 years from now, but it could be tonight or at the first breaking of dawns dazzling light. No one knows, but the Father Himself. Are you willing to throw it all to the wasteside with the thought that you will always be given a tomorrow. Are you willing to cling to what you know is disobedience, without asking forgiveness from the heart, because there is always another day? It is a calling to be the best person you are able to at every moment you are given. It is an extended hand being held out for you and me to grab hold of ever so tightly knowing we can do nothing of ourselves. It is Jesus Christ speaking to the 7 lampstands(Church Ages), which are watched over by the 7 stars(messengers).
These are what is important for each believer to focus upon. The things that our Lord has against each Church and to do our best not to have any of them make a permanent tabernacle within. Yes, we will fail and repent and fail and fall and feel such anguish for all that we have done wrong. This is a part of the patience that we all must hold to. Oh! When eyes open how hearts begin to break having to endure our weaknesses, the pain that is suddenly felt from the earth itself, the hatred you are now able to recognize within others unable to take it from them to place peace within for they choose not to look upon the beauty of His face just yet.
Here is the complete clarification of the Book of Revelations to me. Repent of all that is against Gods will in thought, action, purpose, or deed for the day is coming when Jesus Christ will come in the clouds for every eye to see and every single knee shall bow. This I know; God wins, Satan loses. I plead with every human being, every brother, every sister, every beloved piece of life that shall ever walk this earth. Come on over to the winning team. Cross over from death, so that you may overcome the world and be given LIfe. Praise God our Father who is in heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever who lives in the eterity of eternities. Without Him we are lost. We are simply moving from futility to futility never knowing our weakness, never awakening to our ignorance, never conceeding that we have absolutely no control, and never knowing how blind we have been .
May Gods Grace and Blessing be upon each of you,
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