Something has been ringing through these ears time and time again. There are words, there are stories on the news, there are actions that are taken, which have been allowed to slowly take away all this place called America was built upon. We are becoming a part of the world instead of staying seperate from it in terms of the Bible. The world does not acknowledge Christ as the Son of God, but those who have been seperated from it do. The world follows after appeasement even when it means turning a blind eye, but those who have overcome this world can never turn from what they know is Truth. The world selfishly gathers all that will soon pass away believing they have the life, but those who have been chosen bestow to all every blessing bestowed upon them. For the sheep store their treasures in heaven where eternal glory awaits of Life everlasting.
Do not offend in any way all who live in the land of the free. I myself pray to live in peace and harmony with all mankind for all the time I am given, but can I say I am not when I AM?. Can I speak what my heart knows to be false in the name of harmony?. Can I lay down all that has been given to me from my true Father in heaven, so that I do not offend?. Do I have any rights of my own or do I just sit here as all of them are slowly taken away?. If you do not believe must I bow to you because you may be offended by what I know to be True?! I cannot in any way, as gentle a person as I ever hope to be, not be who God has made me. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God of Israel. The God who is the Father, who is the Son, and who is the Holy Spirit. Who was scorged, which is a word that never hit home, until I watched a movie called, "Passion of the Christ". Who hung on a cross for me because He wanted me to come Home. Who took away the Sins of the world, so that you and I may approach the inner most Holy of Holies. I would gladly give this life, this body, this flesh, and every part therein for how many have already done the same not so very long ago.
One Nation, Under God is how this Country called America was formed, it is the reason every circumstance in every situation seemed to bend just the way it needed to for us. Such blessings these eyes have seen descending upon this place. What protection we have been given from above in more ways than anyone could begin to name and we can't honor Him who has done such things. There is a movie that comes to mind, which said something very true. A woman said, " I don't believe in the Devil" and the man said, " You should, He believes in you". Whether a person chooses to believe does not change what exists. It only changes their final destination, if at some point in time, before the flesh fades away they do not wake up to the Truth, which is the Good News. "SALVATION THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST". As for me I do not know what is around the next corner, but it hurts very much with what these eyes are seeing. It hurts to see the most wonderous gift placed at a persons feet only to see them spit on it. I am speechless at this point, I hope this didn't have a hurtful or hateful tone, letters come, words come forth, and this is what has been given.
May Peace make its place within your heart and Truth show the Way.
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