Monday, August 01, 2005

"A Disciple"

There is no pride taken when righteousness is chosen

to simply follow all the teachings of your Master

with all your heart and soul in every circumstance

There is no I when this body walks upon this earth

only Him that abides within this weakened structure

to make whole what has already been lost

There is no deception in any action taken towards others

only one Truth after the next slowly shown day by day

for such sight can only come from the Wisdom of our Creator

There is no conflict that settles upon a human being

who has aligned themselves with the Divine Spirit given

through unwavering faith and submission

There is no hate to consume the soul, such a flaming sword

swung with the might of the darkest depths far below

only this love whose blinding light vanquishes all emptiness

There is only our Father who gave His Son from heaven

the blood of such a perfect, untarnished lamb that cleanses

us all, so some day we may all take His hand and raise up

to look upon the beauty of His face for the rest of eternity

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