Friday, October 21, 2005

Gifts Are Meant To Be Given

"Gifts Are Meant To Be Given"

It's been a while, since I have been led to type. These words are for all who have been chosen to read what has been given to me. For one point has been placed in the forefront of this mind for each of you. Just as I was given and have nurtured the ability to write, so it is that I type for each of you who God leads to read them. I cannot keep them to myself, but they must be given to all. How can I say thank you for all that God has made me, all that He has given to me, all that He has done for me, before I even walked this earth. It is by sharing every gift to any who will accept them. It is by using these eyes that He allows to have sight in sharing the myriads of color, which compose each fragrant flower, each somber sunset, or each reflection off every tranquil body of water to show Gods very own face. To use the physical strength He has endowed this body with to help others who are unable to lift or move or climb or run. To give back every gift that the good Lord has placed within me to every other human being because that is why it was given. Each blessing is not bestowed for my own selfish use or to promote my own needs for what all in the world call power. How can I say, " I made my eyes blue, and then I chose to make myself 5'7 because that is a good height. Then I picked out the parents I wanted after making myself out of absolutely nothing because I wanted to be here on earth. Lastly, I chose the exact year to be born and the exact place too!". No, I cannot say a single one of these things, but God can. God chose all of these things, every weakness, every strength, every moment of pain, every tear that has dropped from these cheaks, and most of all the greatest gift of all, which is to know Him, before the chosen time this vessel fails.
What can I do knowing such Truth that has been given by the one true living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who also gave His Son for me and YOU? All that can be done is to give it all back to every person He allows this spirit, His Spirit, to touch. For how can I ask for mercy when I show no mercy upon others myself. How can I ask in prayer for forgiveness when I am unable to forgive those who have deeply harmed me. How can I ask for peace when I do not work to bring calmness to those who are in chaos. How can I believe that I will not be judged when I continually point my finger at others, while speaking of all "THEY" do wrong. Most importantly, how can I call on the name of Jesus Christ, who is my Lord and Savior, when I refuse to speak His name even when I know others will sneer.
Nothing in these words are meant to take from the blood of the Lamb, which has enabled the remission of sin and taken away the power of death, so it has lost its sting. I only ask such questions because they have all been asked by my true Father in Heaven of me. So many choices, so many days do I fall from the perfect path, but all these questions will continue to be asked deep within this heart. Each time of failure all that can be asked is to please get back up, please keep moving, please keep trying with patient endurance, until the end. Keep asking, so that you may recieve and when you recieve do not stop. Share what you are given with all of mankind and I know what will happen. Some day, maybe tomorrow, maybe years from now someone will come up to you with a bewildered look upon their face. They will stare intently into your eyes searching for something they have seen in you. They will know that you have something, which they do not. Some will be angered, some will walk away never to be seen again, but there will be that one who will ask you a question. "What has happened to you, there is something different about you ___?". Whether you know it or not I tell you now that others will know the Spirit has taken up residence within you, they won't know what it is because they cannot see it with their eyes, but they will know it in their heart(spirit). All you need to do each day is get up, put on foot in front of the other, listen to that voice within that is not your own, and get out of the way. How I pray that I am able to lay down and to get out of the way because it's not about me. It's not about myself or using each talent for selfishness, but to share them with all mankind. That is because God never gives for no purpose, but so that you may bear good fruit and become more Christ-like in character and help others do the same. The truth is Gifts have always been meant to be given that is why they are called gifts.

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